
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Scroll Sweatshirt

I cut the material for the scrolls yesterday and sprayed the backs with iron-on adhesive.  (Thanks again, Jane, for recommending 606 for this type of work.  Its amazing!)

I spent a chunk of this morning rearranging the filigree and eventually found a layout I liked.  What looked good on the shirt when it was flat on the table did not look good when I wore it.  None of my original designs worked.  In the end I simplified what I was doing, reversed what I had left and came up with what you see here.  It was a challenge to get all of the pieces in place and not pin myself in the process.  Ouch!  I gave up trying to have the pattern continue over the shoulder and onto the back.

Designing this took at least three times longer than cutting the pieces and sewing it together.  Once the pieces were ironed in place, I zigzagged stitched the edges.  Lots of looping.  The red in the material matched the shirt so closely that I had problems seeing where to stitch in places. The looping wasn't as hard to sew as I feared and the whole thing remained flat.  Yay! 

I know what I'm wearing to work tomorrow!

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