
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dance Dress Progress

So after reading my sewing machine's owner's manual (can you imagine?) and practicing some stretch stitching I was ready to try sewing togther
my dress.  So far, so good.  I feared I would get ripply seams, but they all stayed flat.  The fabric didn't crawl either.  Yay!

I've pinned the top of the shoulders and tried it on.  Not bad.  One shoulder doesn't quite lay flat, but I'm hoping it will do so once I finish the edges.  Would have done better with a darker color, but I wasn't going to go out and buy more material since I wasn't sure how this would turn out.  If this goes well, I'll make another!

Sewing the seams were straight forward.  Now comes the sewing trial and error.  The original dress just had the arm and neck seems folded over a 1/4" and stitched with some kind of overcast/topstitch combination.  My machine doesn't have fancy stitching like that.  I'm not looking forward to trying to fold over and iron 1/4" of material.  The hem will be equally as fun.  But that's this weekend's project.

1 comment:

  1. I can just see you twirling around the dance floor in this dress!


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