
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Newbie Annivesary

Two years ago, in the dark of night, I brought home two nervous little rodents.  One was so curious, she instantly won me over.  Her roommate was so cute and soft, I needed to bring her home as well.  They were soon named Pinniped and Bertie.

Bertie and Pinniped
I can't believe I've had them for two years.  I am also amazed that Willow is still kicking around with them.  Of course, that's why they're still called The Newbies.   Compared to that cranky old bat, Willow, they're young hotshots.

This is the longest time by far that I've had three guinea pigs.  Pippin and Willow overlapped with Victoria for a mere six months.  It's too bad I couldn't keep all three together.  It would have been fun to have a single herd.  The latest cage layout lets Willow touch noses and steal hay from the Newbies and keeps peace in the household.  Whatever works!  At least they can all roam together for floor time and in the outdoor pen.

So happy anniversary to my Newbies!  May we have many more.

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