
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month

Did you know that March is National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month?  A whole month focused on adopting these funny, furry little hay-burners.

I was surprised when I first discovered I could adopt guinea pigs at my local animal shelters.  I had not considered that guinea pigs are surrendered to shelters just as any other animal.

Since then I have adopted my last three pairs of pigs.   Athena and Victoria were a middle-aged couple I adopted from the Easton animal shelter.  The staff there had despaired that these two lovely wuzzy pigs would ever find a permanent home because of their age.

When I adopted Willow and Pippin from the Boston MSPCA, I was greeted by a wall of wheeking guinea pigs.  There were a dozen of them in the small animal room (along with ferrets, rabbits rats and hamsters), just biding their time for a loving home.  Most of the guinea pigs that were up for adoption were under a year old (one as young as 3 months old).

Bertie and Pinniped had been part of a large seizure of pigs from someone who had let their breeding get out of hand.  They and all nine of their 7-week old pups were up for adoption at the Animal Rescue League of Boston in Dedham.  Bertie and Pinni's paperwork had indicated that they were in good health when they were seized, albeit pregnant, and yet they had been flagged for possible euthanasia.

All six of these pigs have been wonderful additions to my family, each with their distinct personalities and quirks.  They have brought me a lot of laughter and goofiness over the years.  I am happy I could give them a loving and permanent home.

If you would like to learn more about the National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig campaign, please visit

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