
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Granola Bars

Once again I have skipped my Wednesday gym class and cooked instead.  This time it was mostly to stock up on meals:  Noodle Bake and Tikka Masala.  My freezer has gotten pretty bare, and the empty containers are overflowing in my cabinets.

Along with cooking meals, I baked.  I still had half a can of condensed milk left over from some the Chocolate Caramel Bars I made.  I found a recipe for granola bars that looked interesting and used condensed milk.  I made a little less than half a recipe. Not bad - it's crunchy and chewy and not too sweet.  I was just happy to use the rest of the condensed milk.  It's not something I use very often.  The fact that I made something I like?  Bonus!

It was a good thing I liked them.  I needed that sugar rush in order to face the disaster area I left in the kitchen.

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