
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pinniped's Progress

Pinniped taking her meds
Pinni took her seven days of meds like a good little pig and I haven't seen any red or white chalky spots in their bedding.  I put her back on the shilintong, too:  2-3 half tablets a week.  She managed to break 1200g last weekend, but has been back to 1185.  She looks pudgier, even if the scale doesn't agree.

Pinni went back to the vet for her two-week check up this evening.  Still some sludge, but a lot less than two weeks ago.  The vet was pleased.  So was I.  Pinni was not.  She complained bitterly about how she was manhandled and was once again terrified by the strange sounds at the vet.  At least Bertie offered some comfort. 

Pinni sacked out for nearly an hour after we got home from the ordeal.  Whew!  I guess going to the vet is hard work for a little pig.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Pinniped! Such a cooperative pig, consenting to be weighed and take her medicine at the same time.


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