
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Raspberry Pink

I was so happy with how my first nightshirt turned out, I made a second one.  For this shirt, I got the color I really wanted: screaming raspberry pink.  I chickened out with the first nightshirt and selected the safer, more subdued, light blue.  But this time?  I stopped being conservative and went with inspiration. 

I had cut the fabric for this nightshirt at the tail end of my marathon quilt-cutting session.  The pieces have been draped over my sewing machine for the last couple of weeks (it has added to my delay with the my quilt).  I became motivated to stitch it together after few chilly evenings last week (and the blue nightshirt was in the wash).  So I spent Thursday evening sewing and finished the whole thing in less than four hours.  Cool!  It's just as snuggly and comfortable as the original... just a lot more flamboyant.

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