
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lost Teacup

I hosted a tea in March and had to retire two of my grandmother's teacups due to cracks.  One of the cracked teacups was only discovered after it leaked all over it's saucer.  I was relieved the hot tea didn't cause it to burst.

I received a half dozen vintage teacups from my mother as an early birthday present.  Two of them are already my new favorites.  Hmmm... was Mom making sure I have enough teacups to guarantee an invite to my next tea?

I had to shuffle my existing cups around to make room on the shelf for the new ones.  This evening I walked in and discovered the leaky cup had cracked in half.  It was in one piece just a few days before!  Perhaps it was the recent heat and humidity?  It was just so odd to find it half standing, half laying on it's saucer.

I'm bummed out to have lost one of Gram's cups like this.  On the other hand, it had been used and well loved.  Grammie would have approved of that.  I guess it leaves me with a bit more shelf space for the new cups.  I'll have to host another tea so we can try them out.

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