
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Peach Cobbler

I love peaches.  They are one of my very favorite fruits.  I brought home a half-bag of them last week from the Walpole farmer's market.  By Saturday, they had all ripened all at once.  I still had a few left over from the grocery store as well.  Too many to eat and it would be a sin to let them all go to waste!  So I baked them all into a peach cobbler last night.  I very rarely make this, since I normally don't have that many fresh peaches on hand.

It smelled delicious when it came out of the oven.  I could barely wait for it to cool a bit, before helping myself to a big scoop with some ice cream.  Yum!

Hmm... I've made myself hungry writing about it.  I may have help myself to some of the leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! Now I have a craving for peaches and nectarines.


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