
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer Spurt

Blue corners are done, red and greens are halfway there
I bet you all forgot I was making a quilt, didn't you.  Or you thought I forgot I was making one.  I didn't.  For the most part it has been out of sight, but whenever I walked into my sewing room the pieces would mock me.

The weather has been cooler this week, which means the temperature upstairs has been tolerable.  I finished all my other to-do stuff around the house and found a couple of hours with nothing planned.  Goodness!  So I had no choice but to plunk down and sew a bit.

I think my piles of stitched pieces are finally starting to outnumber the piles of fabric in the corner of the room.  I am so pleased; it no longer taunts me.  However, I did calculated I need several more hours of sewing before I even start completing any blocks.  I'll try not to dwell on that.  I'll focus on the corner pieces which could be done in less than two hours... that's my next goal.  Wonder when I can park myself in front of that sewing machine again?

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