
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pumpkin and Squash

Butternut squash in 1/2 cup portions
We got a wonderful selection of winter squash this year from the Moose Hill CSA.  My share of the loot was three sugar pumpkins, nine butternut squash, two acorn squash and a delicata.  I spent Saturday afternoon roasting the pumpkins and three of the butternuts.  I discovered I have an allergy to butternut squash skin.  I guess I've never peeled that many at once.  It did fascinating things to my hand (it's back to normal, now).

I ended up with about four pounds of pureed pumpkin.  I've already used half of it.  Once I pureed the butternut squash, I put half-cup portions in one of my muffin tins and froze them.  It's the first time I've tried that.  Seemed like they'd be good for single portions or for cooking.  Once frozen, they easily popped out of the muffin tin and I stuffed them into a gallon bag for the freezer.

And, of course, there were pumpkin seeds to toast.  The seeds weren't as plump as I like them, but they're not bad.

Bread and chocolate chip bars
On Sunday, I baked pumpkin bread and pumpkin chocolate chip bars.  Gotta love rainy weekends!  The pumpkin bread is my mom's recipe with a few personal touches.  This time, I added fresh cranberries along with the dried ones, and then went crazy and added some chocolate chips to half of the batch.  The pumpkin chocolate chip bars are a brand new recipe.  It was posted last week on The Girl That Ate Everything.  And for once, I didn't tinker with it.

Now I just need to find enough room in my freezer for all of this!

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