
Friday, October 26, 2012

Summer Day - Blogger's Quilt Festival

A friend of mine has been trying to persuade me to enter a quilt in a show.  I'm not convinced my sewing is that good, and besides, all but my very first quilt have been given away, so I have nothing to submit.  Then I stumbled across Amy's Creative Side blog, which features a semi-annual virtual quilt show.  I was intrigued.  So, I'm taking the plunge.

Every quilt I've sewn is my favorite for some reason or another, so it was difficult to pick one to for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  I've decided to go with Summer Day, which was a wedding present for friends of mine.  I'm not a prolific quilter, so even though this quilt was made over three years ago, I've only done two baby quilts since then.  

Joan and Matt had been quietly married in the fall, then had a wedding celebration the following summer.  I must have had the change in seasons on my mind when I picked out the fabrics.  I usually gravitate towards brights and blues, but the green and rusty orange just spoke to me.

This quilt was a stretch for me in a few ways.  It was my first wall hanging.  It was more complex than the four-patch and nine-patch quilts I usually do.  Most significantly, it was the first time I tackled diamonds.  I worked solely from a picture of Storm at Seas I had seen online.  I hadn't considered there would be so many points to line up until I was well into the project.  I ripped out and restitched several seams.  I even had to go back and purchase more beige material because I miscalculated the triangle sizes.  It was a lot of work, and the quilt came out better than I had imagined.  I had a hard time parting my creation, but I knew my friends would love it.

Storm at Seas seemed like a terrible name for a wedding gift, so I named the quilt Summer Day.  I enjoy piecing much better than quilting, so my quilting tends to be boring.  I did stitch-in-the-ditch along the wavy lines of green (you can see a little of the pattern next to the label).  The label was sewn on by hand with a feather stitch.

Blogger's Quilt Festival Stats
Quilt Measurement:  33" x 33"
Technique: machine pieced and quilted
Quilted by: Sally Hurley
Best Category: Wall Hanging
BQF# 111

Be sure to check out all of the amazing quilts submitted for the Blogger's Quilt Festival!

Amy's Creative Side


  1. Great job. I've just finished my first storm at sea quilt too. Only a small wall hanging though.

  2. Your storm at sea is wonderful! I've been collecting patterns and photos of this quilt and want to make one - yours is really great!

  3. I'm thinking about starting a storm at sea this winter. Yours came out beautifully. It was worth the hard work! I know what you mean about having trouble choosing a quilt to share. I don't - I get my kids or hubby to choose :)

  4. I love this block and the movement that appears in the top... The colours you chose are lovely! Great work.

  5. I've always wanted to make a Storm at Sea, but got scared away from doing blocks. Yours is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Beautiful, I love your colors. Storm at sea is on my want to do list. What a wonderful wedding gift.

  7. Its very nice - great colours. Thanks for sharing. #263

  8. Great quilt. I love how the longer you look at it, different patterns appear. Good on you for giving your quilts away - I tend to hoard mine at they live in bags in my wardrobe. I think I need to set some of them free!

  9. Wow! What a fascinating design. The different triangle shapes give your quilt at first glance great eye appeal!

  10. Beautiful! Such a pretty design!

  11. One of my very favorite patterns - love your colorful version!

  12. I love Storm at sea quilts and yours is wonderful in those fall colours. I bet your friends just love this quilt so much!

  13. Love your quilt. Don't sell your self short. You do beautiful quilting!!


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