
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Piggy Giveaway

Sculpey doesn't make pig-pink; I have to blend the color.  I had some extra pink from my ornament, so I made another pig.

I initially sculpted it to be an ornament, but when I got the body together, it was small enough to work as a magnet. Then I needed to figure out what paraphernalia to give him.  Hmm... piggy on a fridge?  A hot-fudge sundae seemed appropriate.  I even made a cherry for the top.  You may not see it in the photo, but he has a big smile under that snout.  The only drawback of making him a magnet is that he doesn't have a curly little tail.

I already have a ton of magnets on my fridge.  Goodness knows he'd be a perfect addition, given the way I raid the freezer for ice cream.  The plan was to give the magnet as a gift, but I fear this poor little pig could be misconstrued. 

So - free to a good home:  2" tall magnet, strong enough hold itself to the fridge and one sheet of paper.  Please leave a comment (here or on Facebook) or email me if you're interested in welcoming this happy little pig into your home.  If I get more than one response, I'll pick a winner on Monday, March 11th.  Congratulations Martha! 

1 comment:

  1. I know my daughter would love the piggie. I always enjoy your Pinni stories.


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