
Friday, June 7, 2013

Chick Yoga Weekend XI

Huzzah for Chick Yoga Weekend!  After the weeks of stress from apartment hunting, packing and strangers parading through our place, I needed a break. 

There were ten of us this year, four were newcomers.  We had a dorm room all to ourselves.  Hiking to the fourth floor multiple times a day gave everyone a workout beyond the yoga classes.  Oof.  But the air circulation was good up there, and it ended up being comfortable even with the hot weekend (there's no air conditioning).

I skipped both afternoon yoga classes this year.  Shocking!  I chose instead to spend time gabbing with my friends and napping.  Wow, I needed that.  I attended a few of the workshops, but for the most part I spent time outside, wrote in my journal, and read.  I even had a chance to try out the new-and-improved mediation room on Monday.  All of the windows allowed for abundant sunlight and air.  It was delightful.

We missed the baby bunnies this year.  It was so hot, I think most of the animals were laying low.  A few of us managed to catch a glimpse of mama bunny and one of the little ones.  Our closest brush with the wildlife was a caterpillar that dropped in on us during Saturday's breakfast.

We ate nearly every meal outdoors, including breakfast.  Usually it's too chilly in the mornings to eat out, but not this year.  It was hot out on the patio, but it was cooler than being in the cafeteria.  The breeze made such a difference.

Out on the lake, looking back at Kripalu
My sister managed to sign us up for the guided kayaking on Sunday.  What a fantastic surprise!  Saturday's kayaking had been so packed (with a wait list), I thought there was no chance we'd get in on Sunday.  It was a windy afternoon out on the lake.  I certainly got a workout.  The views were beautiful and we had a great time.

Before we knew it, the weekend was over.  Several of the group departed Sunday afternoon and the rest of us left on Monday.  

Yoga Chicks of 2013

Another successful yoga weekend.  I'm glad you gals could make it; I enjoyed my time with you.

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