
Friday, July 19, 2013

New Pig Skirt

The new stylin' pig cage
It was time for a change.  The red skirt around the base had served well for the last decade.  But it didn't look right in the living room.  Just before we moved, I had been given yards of this flowery material (I have no idea what to do with most of it), but I thought it would make a good replacement.  Isn't it cheery?  I love it.  It must be a chick thing:  the guinea pigs and men in this house could care less.

One of my favorite things about it is the the front panel isn't attached to the sides, so it makes it so much easier to pull out the boxes of extra bedding and hay stored underneath.  So it looks better and is easier to use than the old one.  Coolness!

Now that the sewing machine is set up and ready to go, I need to work on my quilt if I'm going to have it ready to enter it in the Topsfield Fair.

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