
Monday, August 26, 2013

Sprinting to the Finish

Two weeks to the Topsfield Fair submission deadline and I've just finished quilting the red stars.  I'm hoping to complete the blue and green corners this week, then get the rest of the border quilted and the binding put on over Labor Day.  I'm squeezing in sewing-time whenever I can.

Knock on wood - the sewing machine is still hanging in there.  Rob fixed an issue with the bobbin-winding mechanism that was driving me insane.  The belt jams if I haven't used the machine in a couple of days, but once I free it up, it doesn't give me trouble.  It's a good incentive to sew at least a little every day!

The front, of course, hasn't changed much in months.  Quilting progress is more apparent by looking at the backing.  I wish the colors were a little more visible, but I'm happy with my decision to use colored thread on the black fabric.  Continuing the star design on the borders is looking pretty nice, too.  It doesn't help, though, that I keep thinking of more things to stitch.  I need to finish what I've already planned, not add more complications!

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