
Friday, September 13, 2013

Cape Chick Weekend VII

It was a small group of us down for Chick Weekend this year, and most could only stay for part of Saturday and Sunday.  But we squeezed as much fun as we could from our short time together.

We went to the craft fair (can't skip that) and one gal participated in the sand sculpture contest (winning second prize!).  We visited the windmill green on Sunday, which we haven't done in years.  We missed the chowder contest (bummer), but made it in time for the parade.  There's never enough time to do everything.  Whatever we miss one year, we make note to try and do it the next.

We have our favorite routines.  This year two of us split a 3lb lobster for our Friendly Fisherman dinner.  And we all came back with fresh bread and pastries (oh, so good!) from PB Boulangerie as well as goodies from Atlantic Spice.  All of us got a kick out of the latest update in the cottage: a sink-and-toilet combo.  Wash your hands as it fills the tank.  How cool is that?

Sunday's Parade
One of my friends brought her daughter along for the festivities.  This year's tides bumped the sand sculpture contest to late Saturday afternoon instead of first thing in the morning, and she wanted to enter into the contest.  It was a sudden change in plans, but we were excited that someone would participate in the contest.  I rooted around in the basement for assorted pails and shovels she could use for her entry.

It was interesting to see the building process for all of the sand sculptures.  We usually arrive to this event just before the winners are announced.  Most entries were a team effort.  There was one team that must have had a dozen kids working on a dinosaur with eggs and hatchlings.  Not only did they win first prize in their division, they won the viewer's choice award, too.  There were so many wonderful sculptures.  I liked the one of Cape Cod as a mermaid.  There was a dragon with a feathery face and the Lobster Plate team was right next to us.  I have a bunch of photos here.  Can you tell I loved the creations?

So, all in all, another successful Chick Weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute sculpture! And what a nifty way to recycle water. What a memorable weekend.


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