
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fading Charms Quilt

The plan had been to start on a mixer cover but I just couldn't ignore the Fading Charms quilt top sitting in my sewing room.  How do people start a project and shelve it?  I couldn't focus with this thing in the corner whining to be finished.  So I spent a good chunk of time last weekend quilting and binding it.  All it needs is a label and a home.

It turned out to be a very scrappy quilt.  I pieced the batting.  I had tons of backing material, but some spots were faded.  So I cut swaths of the least faded sections and put them together with some strips of charms.  I really like how it came out.  The green and blue thread I used for quilting was left over from other projects as well.  After all that, my fabric drawer is still too full.  I need to do another scrappy quilt (or two!).

I stitched-in-the-ditch around the white sashing and quilted concentric diamonds on the charms (it's barely visible in the photos).  I had forgotten how fatiguing stitch-in-the-ditch can be.  I took breaks because staring at the seams made me cross-eyed.  The diamonds were a lot easier to do.  I still need to create a label and sew that on, once I decide what to name the quilt.

This was such a fun project.  No deadlines.  No worries about finding the right fabrics, buying enough material or wondering if the colors look right.  No investment other than my time, so no concerns about getting the quilt just right.  It was an easy size to work with (although it weighs a lot from the heavy backing material).  I was able to try a new pattern, practice my quilting and just play.  Love that!

My biggest dilemma is what to do with the quilt.  I never intended to keep it.  I have no need for a throw quilt since I have lots of beautiful afghans I use all the time.  I'm sure someone will suggest to hang it on my wall.  But I'd rather have it go to a home where it will be used and loved.

1 comment:

  1. So happy I found your blog! I have two Skinny Pigs (hairless Guinea Pigs) and JUST started sewing (as in, I made my first three pee pads for my skinnies' cage today) so I'm so excited to find you!!! :) Not to sound like a weird stalker or anything...


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