
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mixer Cover

Ta-da!  I completed the double disappearing nine patch mixer cover.  My mom was so pleased and surprised to receive a cover with such an intricate pattern.  Aren't the colors great?  I think the crimson sashing was a good choice.  I'm really happy with the overall look. 

Both cover patterns that I worked with had initial fabric measurements that allowed for shrinkage when quilting.  It made me sad to cut off bits of my piecing work, after I put in so much time and effort.  But the pattern is busy enough I don't think anyone will notice.

Of the two tutorials I referenced, I preferred the Heart of Mary tutorial.  I used most of her measurements and I really liked binding the outside, so that cover is reversible. (Although, who would reverse this thing of beauty?)

I rather like our Flying Tigers mixer, so I'm disinclined to make one of these for myself.  However, if I ever feel the need to jazz up the kitchen, this would be the way to do it!  This mixer cover looks good in our kitchen; I hope it looks as great at my parent's house. 

Sharing this on Show Off Saturday - because it's done!  Huzzah!  And since the I showed pieces on last week's Linky Tuesday, I figured I should show the finished work this week.


  1. OMG Sally that is so awesome! Your mom will love that I am sure. I love your mixer...very cute.

  2. This is amazing! It is difficult to make a cover that looks good and youwent over the top.

  3. This is so beautiful and I can't believe all the teeny tiny pieces even if it is a disappearing 9 patch! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. Oh my goodness, that is a lot of tiny piecing! That cover will dress up any kitchen quite nicely.

    By the way, did you know that you are a no-reply blogger since you switched to google+ ? I'm a little slow, it just now occured to me that perhaps this was an unintentional change. Thanks for the comments you've left on my blog!

    1. I had never heard of no-reply blogger - and you're the second person today to mention it. I had no idea what it meant! You're correct - it was not intentional. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I think I've fixed it.

  5. That looks amazing, what a great present for your Mum.

  6. WOW!! colors are great and those pieces are so tiny...

  7. A mixer cover is on my bucket list, thank you for the link - yours is really beautiful!
    I rather like your Flying Tiger Mixer as well ;-)
    Thank you for commenting on my quilt, you are still no-reply , but I am happy I found you here.

  8. Darling cover - look at all those teeny, tiny pieces!!

  9. Your mixer cover looks great! Congratulations.


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).