
Monday, March 24, 2014

String Theory

I finished sewing together my string blocks.  Look at that!  The first few rows had looked disjointed.  But once I assembled more rows, it came together.  I need to work on my precision - several of the black strips moved when I initially stitched them to the paper.  When I finished off the square, I should have aligned on the fabric, not on the paper.  Next time I'll do better.

I had thought to add borders to make this throw or twin sized.  But when I added the grey edges, I realized it's about baby quilt size (36x48").  I could just bind it as is.  So far opinions have been split between stopping now or adding borders.  I even had a vote to bind it as a wall hanging.  Oh, the choices!  Finish it or add on?

Regardless, this will be my second homeless quilt.  I need to start finding owners for these quilts.


  1. It's a beauty! I like it with out borders. But it will be just as stunning with borders.

  2. It looks wonderful! I have a pledge to myself on the header of my blog and it says "not to point mistakes out to others" I can't see anything wrong with your black strips at all!!! Its just beautiful!

    1. Thank you. I tell my sister, the painter, that all the time. I need to start taking my own advice. :-)

  3. Beautiful quilt, you know I love strings! I think it is perfect without borders and I don't see any mistakes! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. I am a string/selvedge lover too and this one is a winner in my book! Love the bright colors! Great job!


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