
Friday, April 18, 2014

String Theory Quilt

It's done!  I plan on adding a hanging sleeve, but I'm not sure which direction it should go.  I mean I know which way is up, but the final owner may need to hang it the long way across, depending on the size of their wall.  So I will wait until I talk to the winner of the quilt.

I'm glad I squared the corners of the quilt as I put on the binding.  The quilt hangs flat and true.  I hung it up on Wednesday so I could admire it from my desk.  It is a bright and sunny piece!  The circle quilting came out better than I had imagined.  I'm breaking out of my stitch-in-the-ditch routine.  I've done a few projects with some straight-line quilting, but this was my first attempt at curves and not following along the pieced pattern.  I am so pleased with the results.

I bound it with a mix of white and neutrals.  It mixes in well with the background.  I had feared a solid color, even white, would stand out. 

For a brief moment, I considered keeping the quilt.  I can name most of the other quilts and projects all the material came from.  Part of what I like about the quilt is the memories of those other quilts.  But I have promised String Theory to the Rehoboth contra dance, which is kind of exciting.  Besides, I want something slightly smaller to hang on my wall.  Hmm... need to add that to my project backlog.

Linking up with Linky Tuesday.


  1. Beautiful quilt and that quilting is awesome!!

  2. I "heart" string/selvedge quilts! Yours is beautiful! I love, love, love the quilting!! Congrats on your finish!

  3. Lovely string quilt! The quilting is fabulous!

  4. You should be so proud - it looks awesome, totally love the quilting - want to try that!

  5. The quilting is perfect for your beautiful string quilt, love it! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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