
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Freemotion Practice

Look!  Look!  Many mistakes and a few puckers later, I've successfully freemotion quilted my pillow tops.  I practiced several different patterns on the first one, which was the roughest.  I've never tried anything but stippling before.  The shadowed lines weren't too bad.  Pebbles were a lot harder than the video I watched.  I'm not thrilled with them, but they actually don't look bad.  Stitching on patterned fabric with a similar colored thread was hard to see.  I learned so much!  The back looked really cool (but I forgot to take a photo of it).

It was much easier to stitch the white on white on the second piece - I could see what I was sewing.  I'm really happy with the whole effect on this side of the pillow.  I was much more comfortable with the quilting; the stitching was even and I didn't pull the bobbin thread too tight.  I felt like a little kid that successfully colored inside the lines.

Quilting went so much faster and easier than the first attempt.  What a difference a clean sewing machine makes!  No more wubba-wubba noises.  The thread pulled evenly and I didn't have to fight with the material (although I still wrestled with thicker seams).  I wouldn't have thought a dirty sewing machine could cause so much trouble.  That heavy velvet gummed up the works worse than I realized.

I'm still fond of my straight-line quilting with the walking foot.  But it's nice to know I could try freemotion again and not make a total mess of it.

Sharing this on Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River.  You can see the finished pillow here.


  1. You freemotion looks good! I'm never quite happy with my pebbles as I do them, but pebbling really is a very forgiving motif. Once there are a whole bunch of pebbles you really don't notice the wobbles or overlapping bits. I'm sure you've noticed I'm a fan of my walking foot as well :). Yay for a clean machine!

  2. Practicing is so important with FMQ -- hopefully I won't feel like I'm practicing forever if you know what I mean -- nice pillow covers!!

  3. I think your FMQ looks very good! The more you practice the more comfortable you get with it. Pebbles look easy but are not....they take a look of control to get perfect. I noticed you used a dark thread....I rarely quilt with a dark as the stitches just never look good for some reason. I will usually use a smoke gray or deeper tan/taupe on dark just seems to blend well. And yes, you found a secret....keep that machine clean!


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