
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Grindstones and Millstones

October was a slow month for blog posts.  But it wasn't a slow month for me.  There was lots of sewing in-between bringing my sewing machine back to the shop.  I'll have four quilts to write about in the next few weeks.

I attended a Tea and a quilt show.  Put up more bird feeders.  Let the pigs have their last romps outside before the weather turned cold (and the grass got too brown).  Made more earrings and tried new recipes (piggy pudding and squash-sage-cheddar galette).  I dressed up and went dancing for Halloween.  There were so many wonderful costumes.  I wish I had more photos.  My little camera doesn't do well in low light.

I've been nursing Pinniped more than usual.  She took a turn for the worse last week - enough for me to call the vet.  Some extra fluids and attention seems to be helping.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll continue to improve.  But there have been rump dunks and subcue fluids and no one is  happy about it.

Pinni has been keeping herself busy, making hay nests and burying herself under them.  It makes a mess of the cage, but she seems pleased with her work.   

Cannoli, is fatter than ever.  She must be eating the extra pellets I've been putting in for Pinni.  Oy!  That pig needs to run laps around the house, but she's such a scaredy cat.  As a result, that pig gets extra squeezings.  What a loaf!

So here's hoping that in November I can catch up on my projects, that the sewing machine won't die again for a while and that Pinni feels better. 

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