
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Squash, Sage and Cheddar Galette

So far, every recipe I've made from A Year of Pies has been delicious.  I would highly recommend getting a copy.  Even though I've made this galette twice, I have yet to get a good photo of it.  By the time it sets so I can take a nice slice photo, it's eaten.  This photo was taken in haste before I packed it up for a get-together.  Maybe next time I'll leave more time for photographs and fend people off.  Right.

It slices beautifully, is yummy either pipping hot or cool.  It works great as an appetizer and I've served it at dinner.  It's dense enough that a narrow wedge can be treated like finger food.  Even Rob ate it - and he won't touch squash.

I don't keep red onions on hand and failed to put it on our shopping list.  I sautéed a yellow onion with some of the olive oil before adding it to the rest of the filling.  I also forgot to do the egg wash.  There were no complaints on either the flavor or lack of golden brown crust, but I plan on getting a red onion and doing the egg next time.

Both times I made this, I seemed to have more filling than would fit in the crust.  I guess my squashes have been a bit more than 1½ pounds.  I put the excess in a little bowl and bake it at the same time.  It's delicious even without the crust.

This is my new favorite way of serving butternut squash.  Yum!

Squash, Sage and Cheddar Galette
Adapted from A Year of Pies

1½ cup flour
½ tsp salt
½ cup Crisco
3 Tbls cold water

1½ lbs butternut squash, cubed
1 medium red onion, chopped
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
3 Tbls olive oil
2 Tbls fresh sage or 1 Tbls dried sage
1 tsp sea salt
black pepper to taste
1 egg yolk

Mix crust ingredients.  Chill.  Roll out into 12" circle.  Transfer to a baking sheet and chill.

Preheat oven to 375F.  Combine the filling ingredients in a large bowl.  Toss until well  mixed.  Mound squash mixture in the middle of the crust.  Spread towards the edges, leaving a 2" border.  Fold pastry border up and over filling, overlapping edges.  Whisk egg yolk and brush over edges.  Bake for 40-45 minutes, until crust is golden brown and squash cubes are tender when pierced by a fork.

Cool the galette at least 30 minutes before serving.


  1. That really looks good and we love squash!

  2. Sally - I am going to have to send the link to this to my whole family - it looks totally yummy!

  3. This looks really interesting. Do you serve this on its own, or as a side dish?

    1. I have served it both ways, but I think it works better as an appetizer or side dish.


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