
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pinniped: The Schnoz

Pinniped of the non-stop nose, proud owner of the double-wide, has left us.

Sunday night she was clearly unhappy and hid herself as much as possible.  Monday morning she wobbled to the lettuce but wouldn't eat.  I wrapped her up in a cozy and we sat quietly together all morning.  At lunchtime I carefully placed her in the cage, still snuggled in the cozy, making sure she was comfortable.  I grabbed a bite to eat, checked on her a few times, and she was gone. 

The mass in her bladder was often uncomfortable in the last few weeks, but she continued to be her nosy self, cruising around during floor time and being front-and-center (and wheeking) for all mealtimes.  Pinni was a little trouper through it all.  She took her meds without a fuss and couldn't wait to slurp down the lactated ringers.  She bore up through multiple rump-dunkings (giving Rob the how could you do this to me looks and voicing her displeasure).  She accepted her wedge of melon rind reward with enthusiasm.  And never once, with all of the manhandling at the vet and at home, tried to bite anyone.  Damn.  What a good girl.

We already miss her demands for dinner and treats.  I'm going to miss her wheeking at my coworkers when we're on the phone.  No more victory waves for melon and thank you purrs for bell pepper and corn husks.  No more schnoz.  

You were an entertaining rodent, Pinn.  You charmed everyone you met.  We will all miss you.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear. Thoughts with you and your family. :(

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Pinni was well loved and cared for. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way

  2. So sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers. I will miss hearing about her adventures. She was a beautiful piggy.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs to you and Noli.

  4. I'm so sorry, being a piggy parent I know how rough it is. Sending lots of prayers and love

  5. So sorry to hear about your loss :( She had a good life and was really loved. I will miss the Schnoz stories and her funny quirks as well. Sending warm thoughts to you and your family.

  6. :( oh, sally. and pinni. *hugs*

  7. All guinea pigs go to heaven; if the Pope were handly I'm sure he would agree. Those pigs know how to get into your heart. I'm sorry for your loss...

  8. Safe journey over the Rainbow Bridge PInniped. I will miss reading all of your adventures, sweet dark lil loaf. My thoughts are with your family, who miss you very much. #allcaviesgotoheaven

  9. I'm so sorry! My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  10. Very sorry for your loss, she was a characterful pig.

  11. We'll all miss you, Pinni. *hugs* Mourning with you.


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