
Monday, December 1, 2014

Two More Pies

Cranberry Mince Tart
I made the last two recipes I wanted to try from A Year of Pies.  Good stuff.  I made Mushroom and Chevre Galette last week (sorry - no photo).  It was delicious.  I think, though, I like the squash galette better.  It certainly took less prep time.  I admit - sometimes I'm a lazy cook!

The last pie was the Cranberry Mince Tart that I made for Thanksgiving.  The recipes is for an 11" tart and all I have is a 9" tin.  I had lots of leftover filling (that made two mini-pies).  It was a beautiful looking tart.  So colorful!  It's flavorful (although not overly sweet) and really dense.  This tart could feed an army.  I made the orange whipped cream, which was delicious.  Ice cream works well with it, too.

You can find the Mushroom and Chevre Galette recipe here (about halfway down the page).  And the Cranberry Mince Tart recipe is here.  Both of them are really good!

1 comment:

  1. Looks scrumptious! As far as lazy cooking goes, I am a firm believer in the idea that you don't have to get complicated to get tasty, healthy food. Sometimes (but not always) the most complicated recipes are also the most disappointing to me. Now, let's go check out that cranberry mince tart recipe :)


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