
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hide and Seek

Catch me if you can.
We've been living here for nearly two years and in that time, neither Cannoli nor Pinniped wandered far into the living room.  They never took an interest in chewing furniture or exploring under the couches.  So I never properly pig-proofed the place.  

I occasionally let Cannoli and Boadicea have floor time during work hours.  I blocked off the side of the room where the cage was, but I ran grids only as far as the love seat.  Why pig-proof more than that?  No one had figured out they could go under the couch.

Until now.

Boadicea waited until I was on the phone with a coworker before she stormed the living room and headed straight for the couch.  She even convinced Cannoli to come as far as the book shelves.  Noli was thrilled - a place to hide and poo under.  Bad pig.  I could not get off the phone fast enough to herd them back back towards the kitchen.  Boadicea looked quite smug when I cornered her on the wrong side of the grids.

That was the end of full-access floor time during work hours. 

The next evening I let them have full range, I made sure I had time to watch Boadi.  She led me on a merry chase.  Boadicea would wait until I appeared to be busy, then made a beeline to the cage or the couch.  I'd chase her, corner her and herd her back to the kitchen.  She'd stay in the piggy-approved area for about two minutes and we'd repeat the whole thing again.  The other evening she managed to sneak by me.  After a few minutes of hunting for her, I found her pretending to be some of the junk hidden under the couch.

I have to be careful blocking off the area, too.  The other evening I had corralled them in the kitchen so I could watch TV.  The grids never rattled, but suddenly I heard paper being nibbled next to me.  I looked down at the end table, and sure enough, there was a Boadi-nose sticking out from underneath.  She graciously led me straight back to the section of grids she escaped from, and I promptly reinforced the area.  Silly pig - she wasn't happy when I blocked her escape route.

Now I arm myself with a broom when I let them out.  It's less work for me:  I can stand in one place and block the couch, the end table and under the cage.  It has become a game of keep-away, or maybe King of the Hill, since I'm trying to defend these three spots.  Highly entertaining.  I watch Boadicea consider how to sneak by me.  Occasionally she wins.

That guinea pig is a handful.  I never know what she'll pull next.  Life isn't dull with her around!


  1. That video is too cute! I love that she knows to wait until you look busy to make a break for it. Jack is my pig who always manages to find ways around the grids I set up and rummage in the recycling.

  2. That video is too cute! I love that she knows to wait until you look busy to make a break for it. Jack is my pig who always manages to find ways around the grids I set up and rummage in the recycling.

  3. Under the couch was always a favorite unsanctioned hiding place with my girls too. They weren't pleased when I finally moved it out of their reach. Boadi does seem determined though... wily pig!

  4. I have a roommate who is scared of rodents (yes, even guinea pigs) and owns all the furniture. So my two boys` "floor time" consists of putting them on my bed with a tarp and a fleece blanket. They are under the top of the cage to keep them from running off the edge. The roommate would have a coronary if she saw a single poop on the carpet, even if only for a second. She is convinced that my guinea pigs will hurt her cats. As a result my piggies don`t get to roam unless I let them out while she is at work. She won`t give herself a chance to interact and see if they really are scary little monsters. I envy you chasing your little one around trying to keep her corralled. Oh well, only another year with this roommate and I`m out of the lease. I love all of your videos.


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