
Monday, March 2, 2015

Caramel Heavenlies

Caramel Heavenlies is a good name for these things.  Although, one could argue they're wonderfully evil.  They smelled so good coming out of the oven, I barely let them cool before taste-testing them.  I nibbled some more when the pan had cooled, then sampled a few when I cut them.  I'm a little surprised enough survived to be photographed and packed away.

The pieces are sweet and crunchy, a little gooey.  They'd go great with a cup of tea or coffee.  It's a quick easy recipe even though I managed to botch it.  I always have sliced almonds on hand for making toffee, but as I started to cook, I discovered I was out.  Then I got distracted while chopping almonds and forgot to add the cinnamon.  Really?  Regardless, if I liked them without the cinnamon, I know I'll like them even better when I add it.  Obviously I need to make another batch soon.

You can follow the recipe at The Girl Who Ate Everything - Caramel Heavenlies.

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