
Friday, March 6, 2015

One Last Snowflake

I chuckled as I named this post.  It would be nice if this was the last snowflake of the season.  The six inches of snow we got yesterday tell me winter's not done with us yet.  (Although the guy with the snowblower told me on good authority this was the last storm of the year.  Ha!)  The bluebirds are still flocking to the suet feeder, along with a northern flicker that's having a hard time landing on it.  There's also a grounded swan hanging out in a neighbor's yard.  He's been there nearly a week.

I managed to squeak out one last snowflake from this blue material.  Except... I screwed up.  I cut the big pieces first - the triangles and the strips on the sides.  The strips are supposed to be 1.25" wide.  I cut them 1" wide.  The square isn't square.  There isn't a scrap big enough to fix it.  <sigh>

The good news is, since I wasn't planning anything specific with these blocks, I'm sure I can adjust the four of them to look right.  But still - how aggravating!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to quilt my 'last snowflake' of the season but find it harder to do because I am THINKING SPRING! Great job you did. L


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