
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Placemat Fabric

My vest on top, the new material underneath
Many years ago I made an eight foot table runner for my sister.  It covers a credenza that once was our grandmothers.  She loves it; it's out nearly year-round.  I liked the colors so much I made a vest with the left over material.

My sister and her husband just bought a new house and I offered to quilt something as a house warming gift.  She wanted placemats... and if possible, could they match the table runner?  The original material is long gone.  But I grabbed my vest and headed to the fabric shop.

I think I did a passable job matching colors.  The purplish-blue was difficult to find and I couldn't find a gold-green combination.  I was at the cutting table with different bolt of blue when I saw the blue I really wanted.  I also found a green I really liked.  I am always a sucker for scrolls; I couldn't pass it up.  The pinkish brown that's under the vest  isn't part of the original color scheme, but I thought it went well with the other colors.  I was thinking backing and possibly binding.  When I returned home I discovered a piece of material with similar blue, purple and green.  Bonus!

It's all washed and ready to cut.  I may swap out the lightest colors with the brown or darker tan.  I fear too much light color will show stains.  Now I need to pick a pattern - I'm down to three choices.  I just need to pick one and start cutting.  I'm looking forward to this!  It's been ages since I've made placemats.

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