
Monday, March 30, 2015

Placemat Quilting

One placemat is done - five more to go.  Ooh, I'm excited.  I quilted all of them with a light pink thread, and dark green bobbin.  Each one is quilted with a different pattern.

This first one I did a loopy quilting pattern.  I thought it would be very similar to stipple quilting, but something about the pattern kept me from over quilting it.  I backed it in some mug fabric I bought when I first started quilting.  I had grandiose plans for a tea-themed table runner, but that never happened.  However, it looks great with the yellow border.  I'm using it for backing on the other light-bordered placemat, too.

The next three placemats need their borders, but the quilting is done.  I quilted circles with my walking foot, similar to my String Theory quilt.  It's the only one I didn't freemotion quilt, but I love the way it looks.

The next one I tried out a wood grain pattern.  I was so nervous starting on it, but I think it's my favorite of the bunch.  The stitching photographed more clearly on the back (click the photo - it's easiest to see at full size).  And I  switched backing fabric just for the heck of it.  I have tons of this material and it has a nice weight.

I had some bobbin tension problems with the loopy pattern; the thread broke twice on the wood pattern when I happened to move too quickly on a thick seam.  But the last placemat?  It was a struggle.  My machine kept skipping stitches and breaking thread.  Just as I got into a groove, I'd have to stop, clip threads, re-thread the machine and start again.

I was quilting the dizzy daisy pattern that I tried out recently.  It was difficult to focus on the design because I spent all my time watching the thread.  The problems were worst stitching over one of the batiks, which wasn't as prominent on the other placemats.  Or maybe the different backing fabric was causing the trouble?  Although I liked the pattern, I was relieved when this one was done.

The last two mats are waiting for me to cut the backing material and pick quilting patterns.  Then throw borders on the lot of them and I'm done!

Linking up with Freemotion by the River.


  1. Great way to try new stitch designs!

  2. What a smart way to try new free-motion designs. You get a tangible product, but aren't committed to a huge project. Nice work!


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