
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Little Labels

I never put labels on my smaller projects.  My quilt labels are big, take some work and have several lines of information on them.  I've seen little labels in a bunch of quilting blogs.  They fit in the corners of a quilt or along the binding.  They're unobtrusive yet identify the artist.

I put enough work into my placemats that I wanted to "sign" them.  So I printed off a bunch of one-line labels to sew into the binding.  I forgot that I wanted to do this until I had bound most of the placemats.  (I was so excited to finish them.)  I had to rip out just enough of the seam to tuck in the label and re-stitch.  I like them!  I will certainly do this again for other small projects.

I stitched up the last placemat last night!  Now I just need some good daylight to take my final pictures before sending them off to my sister.  

Linking up with Freemotion by the River.


  1. The little labels were a present from my daughter and I want to sign my little projects too. Just like you, I am in a hurry to finish the small projects and forget the lables often and need to rip out a little bit. I will come back to see the other side of the placemats.
    Love from Amsterdam

  2. Great idea! I guess we are all alike on labels. I make lots of smaller projects and this is perfect.

  3. Sally how did you print these and on what?

    1. I happened to print them on inkjet printable fabric. But I've also seen instructions out there how to print on regular fabric ironed to freezer paper. I love my inkjet printer!


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