
Friday, June 26, 2015

Blue-Green Blocks

While I am still wishy-washy over some of my quilt colors, I figured I could at least start on the pieces that I'm sure of.  My points aren't perfect, but I think these blocks look great.

I finished cutting all the green pieces.  In classic Sally style, I managed to buy just enough material.  I had a 2.5" strip left plus a few odd scraps as I cut the very last piece.  I really need to learn to pad my numbers more.  I hope I counted all of the pieces correctly, or I am in big trouble!  At least I know I have plenty of blues and the cream.  I plan to stitch up the rest of these blocks this weekend and proceed from there.


  1. Those blocks are gorgeous! I love the design and the colors. Can't wait to see what you do with them. As far as fabric amounts, I figure "just enough" means enough, so you're OK :) (provided the math was correct)

  2. Love the colors, can't wait to see the finish. L


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