
Friday, June 19, 2015

Cavy Sticker Giveaway

At the end of the Boston Spring Pignic, there were two extra cavy bumper stickers left over.  So a couple of non-pignic goers can enjoy a prize!  I am giving away these two cavy bumper stickers as seen on CavyMadness

To enter:  leave a comment here (if you're a no-reply blogger, please include your email address in the comment) or on the CavyMadness Facebook post.  I will pick two winners at random - one from the blog, the other from the CavyMadness page.  Commenting here and on Facebook will increases your chance to win.

Be sure that I can contact you!  CavyMadness cannot send a direct private message to Facebook comments.  Check back after 12pm on June 26th - I will reply to the winner's comments if I cannot email them directly.  If a winner does not respond within 24 hours, I will randomly draw another name.

This drawing closes on Friday, June 26th at 12pm DST.  Congrats to Jessica and Brooke! 

1 comment:

  1. I would love to win a cavy sticker for my car :) email:


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