
Monday, June 1, 2015

Tea Happy Dance

I get excited over the darndest things.  I came back from the gym on Friday to find a box on my doorstep.  It was my order from Virtuous Teas.  Luckily the delivery person was not around to hear my squeal of delight and witness my spontaneous happy dance on the porch. 

I first visited Virtuous Teas many years ago, with a gift certificate I received at Christmas.  Best gift ever.  Unfortunately, both the tea shop and myself have moved further away from each other over the years.  However, about the time it was no longer a quick jaunt to the next town, they created an online store.  I miss visiting the tiny shop with its wall of tea and pretty tea pots.  The proprietor and her staff are so nice.  But I'm happy that my cupboard is still filled with Virtuous Teas tea.

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