
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Other Summer Block

Finally making progress on these blocks.

It started with one more trip to the fabric store.  I found the green I really liked, but also came across a light blue we liked even better.  I bought some of both (heck, at this point I've over-bought so much fabric for this quilt, what's an extra yard again?).  Once we looked at the green in daylight, I'm really glad I bought the blue.  It goes with the quilt so much better.  As for the green?  Still love it.  I bought a quarter yard a couple of months ago just because I liked it, so I know I will use the additional 3/4 yard I have now.

Turns out this shade of blue matched one of the blues in the main blocks, and came close to a pair of half blocks.  I decided to pull apart the one block and am in the process recreating the two half-blocks.  I'm replacing the blue with some of the other Christmas fat quarters.  They're the blues I originally picked before I thought they'd be too dark.  I should have just stuck with them!

I stitched up one square to test my measurements prior to cutting all of the melon and new blue.  It fit together pretty well. Oh, it's nice to be happy with this quilt again after so much angst.  (Although there was brief panic last night when I thought I was short 12 triangles until I discovered I was over by six melon pieces.  Whew!)  The pieces are all stacked up, ready to go together.  At this rate, I may be quilting by next week.  I need to figure out a pattern for that! 

1 comment:

  1. This is coming together nicely now. I'm so glad you figured something out!


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