
Saturday, August 29, 2015

S’mores Rice Krispies Pinwheels

This was the week to try out new recipes.  When I found the Peanut Butter Cup Oatmeal Bars recipe, I spied a recipe for S’mores Rice Krispies Treats Pinwheels.

It's been a long time since I've made Rice Krispies treats.  These are souped up, with added graham cracker crumbs, Fluff and Hershey's chocolate bars.  Mine aren't nearly as pretty as the ones on Mom on Timeout.  Regardless, they're addictive.  It's hard to eat just one.  It's also hard to stay clean after eating one.  So if I'm going to get my fingers all sticky, I might as well make it worthwhile!

I think throwing chocolate chips into Rice Krispies bars is a lot easier and less messy than these pinwheels.  But if you want a delicious, wow presentation, I'd certainly give these a try.  You can find this recipe and other decadent treats at Mom On Timeout.

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