
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Candy Corn Bark

I buy one bag of candy corn every year.  It's way too sweet, but I gotta have some.  How can it be Autumn without candy corn?  Three years ago I blogged about a couple of candy corn bark recipes I found.  Insane.  Sweet upon sweet.  And yet, so addictive.  I make one batch each year (really small - about 1/6 to 1/2 the original recipe).

I've had trouble with the candy corn bark seizing when I mix it altogether.  Looked awful, tasted great.  I'm happy with this year's batch.  I melted about two-thirds of of the white chocolate, spread it in the pan and pressed in the mix-ins.  Then I melted the last third of white chocolate and drizzled/spread it on top.  Ooh.  Looks like chocolate bark should and not a lumpy mess.

I couldn't find a small bag of pretzels, so I coated the leftovers in dark chocolate.  Mmm.  Something to offset the sickening sweet.  I'll be sad when it's all gone, but grateful I won't make this evil concoction again for another twelve months.  I doubt it will survive the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I have never explored those sites at Quabbin (at least I do not remember them if I did) although I did hike part of that many ... er, many, many ... years ago. The crash site looks vaguely familiar like I should remember it. The overhang does not. It is no fun getting old(er) and not remembering things. Good that you have photos. You are much more adventuresome than I am these days so I shall enjoy your photos. The candy corn bark sounds like the ultimate Halloween treat. We buy one or two bags of candy corn per year. The first one is gone as Mr. Scrapatch found it, but I have the second one well hidden. I wonder if he would say I ruined the candy corn if I make bark. Maybe I shall have to see ... wicked grin. The sun came out! Did you see it? :) Pat


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