
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thank You Basket

I made another of my fabric baskets.  It's a thank you gift for our accommodations at Chick Weekend.  We are often at a loss at what to get to say thank you.  We all love the cottage and the time we get to spend there.

This seemed easy - hard to go wrong with a pretty container you can put stuff in.  The blues and sandy colors make me think of the beach.  My aunt is a big tea-drinker like me, so there's several squares with tea kettles on them.  I even remembered to sew in the mini label before stitching the whole thing together.  I hope she likes it.

This is the third basket I made based on Pink Penguin's instructions.  This is the 24 3" squares version described at the bottom of the post.  I like it better than the 3" version I made with 28 squares.  I may have to try making a pattern based on 2.5" squares.  I think smaller versions are cuter (although this is a great catch-all size).

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.

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