
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Where Does the Time Go?

I started this blog, originally named Crafts, Cavies and Contras,  five years ago during Christmas vacation.  Technically some posts go back to May 2010, but those were ported in from another web site.  Battle Pigs was my first Blogger post, the one that really kicked this off.

Prior to Crafts, Cavies and Contras I had a simple web site.  It was cumbersome to update; I was constantly reworking the pages.  Rob pointed out my writing style and projects were more appropriate for a blog than on a static site.  He was right - I really enjoy blogging.  By the end of 2011 I ported my old content here then deleted my old web page.

Five years.  Wow.  Five different guinea pigs, two different dwellings, lots of sewing and Sculpey, a bunch of new recipes and nearly 700 posts.  (Plus a ton of dancing that I rarely write about.)  To celebrate my fifth blogiversary, I'm giving away a large mug rug (or a mini table-topper?), a Pet Piggies on Parade 2016 calendar and a small bag of my almond buttercrunch.  (Get it? - crafts, cavies and cooking!)

I know I have a small readership, but come celebrate with me. To enter the giveaway:  leave a comment (if you're a no-reply blogger, please include your email address in the comment).  If you can't comment (I occasionally have someone tell me the comments don't work), email me (address is on my About Me tab).  I will pick a winner at random from the comments/emails.

The drawing closes on Friday, January 1st at 12pm EST.  (Happy New Year!)  Congrats to Sparkley Spirit!  And thank you all for the comments.


  1. Hi! My name is Beth. My family has two piggies and we have really enjoyed seeing yours. I love reading about your sewing projects. Happy five years!

  2. I don't always comment, but I follow your blog and enjoy it. Guinea pigs have been part of our family since 2004, and since then, eleven pigs of various ages have found their way to us via shelters and rescues. Thanks for sharing your pigs with the world, and congratulations on five years!

  3. Congratulations, my how the time flies,I've been reading the blog since the beginning and sometimes even read it to my girls, keep up the good work

  4. Looks like Anonymous comments are disabled as they don't appear. Anyway, just wanted to let your know I really enjoy reading your posts about Cannoli, Boadicea and your care of them. Congrats on your fifth pigi- blogi-versary! :-) thanks for entering my name in the drawing, as well!

    1. In case you need it, Sparkley Spirit's contact info is: joyyesheart at gmail.

  5. Congratulations! My brothers and I had guinea pigs for a few years growing up. My first was all white and named "Snow". He ended up being the last to go too. Loved him a lot. Been thinking that it might be time to get a new Piggie 'cause that was about 45 years ago now!!

  6. Hi! Congratulations on your blogsversary! Just chiming in to say that I've been enjoying your blog ever since I discovered it this fall while researching Guinea pigs. We have since acquired two cavies of our own, and they are wonderful!

  7. I get it! :) Congratulations on 5 years of blogging. I enjoy reading what you're up to and seeing your creations. I have no guines pigs myself, but I love the updates about your two characters! Do we get to hear more about the dancing?

  8. Happy 5th blogiversary! I love all the content -- pigs, food, quilting, Sculpey, etc. I feel kind of guilty trying for the prize since I've been the recipient of your quilt work and buttercrunch, but I never pass up a chance for more. Ooh, that makes me sound like a pig! :-D

  9. Very Happy 5th Blogiversary to you, Sally! And thank you so much for your visits and comments at Comptonia...I love it that there are similarities between cavies and goats, especially in the carrot and attitude departments :)

  10. What! NOOOOO I missed the drawing by only a couple hours! Yikes! Oh how too cute is the calendar. I guess I don't need the candy... reluctantly admitting that. Happy new year. we missed the contra last night because I developed an eye problem but we hope to dance a lot more this year. Write some more post about dancing! LeeAnna

  11. I really enjoy this blog. I don't comment here much, but I do want to express my sincere appreciation for all the amazing articles that you write. You are truly an asset to the cavy community! Plus, your pigs are hilarious!


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).