
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Needs a Finish

Before quilting my latest quilt I tried out three different colors of thread and practiced pebbles and swirls.  I now have this 10x15" quilted of fabric that is begging to be finished off.  I could just bind it, but it seems small for a table topper.  I was thinking of cutting it in half and make two mug rugs from it.  But white mug rugs?  I'd have tea stains all over it within minutes, I'm sure.

Folded in half, it might make a nice sized pouch.  I could bind the sides and add a zipper on the top.  Then again, maybe a pillow?  Off white would go with everything.  At Christmas I noticed the throw pillow I made my parents years ago had faded.  This would be a smaller replacement, but it would go with the couch.

What would you do with it?

Linking up with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.


  1. I like the pillow idea - that piece needs to be out in the open! Do you have any doors with windows? This could make a nice curtain, and if it is on a door, you can see both sides.

  2. what would I do... add paint. Bits of color on the quilted areas as if it's a zentangle. Then turn it into a pouch of some kind. Or a journal cover with a gorgeous button closure. LeeAnna

  3. If I was terrified of zippers, I'd make a little pouch with it ;)

    1. I meant if I was NOT terrified, of of course.
      Apparently I'm so terrified of zippers I'm afraid to even say it!

  4. would make a wonderful background for a little tiny landscape painted on a thick piece of matte board and mounted in the center. Just a little one, though, so the quilt would be much bigger than the image. All those swirls and curves look both topographical and mystical.
    Oh, or even a tiny felted wool landscape! :)


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