
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Quilted Quills

I'm done quilting the feather quilt!  The binding is done, too.  It just needs the threads clipped and a label.  I can give you sneak peek of the back; the rest will have to wait until it's gifted.

I'm hoping to do a full reveal later this month.

Just after I bound it, I ran into problems.  Some of the binding caught wrong, but a little ironing and restitching fixed that.  Then I discovered an ink spot in the front, on the white.  It's a little dot, but how the heck did I do that?!?  I would try to remove it, but I figure I'll make it worse.  Better a little black dot than a larger grey splotch.  Lastly, I found one feather's seam had pulled apart.  The white thread nested in the middle of dark blue is what caught my attention.  I'm really surprised I hadn't noticed it with all the ironing when I pieced it.  I Stitch Witchery and carefully hand stitched that down.  I am sure that no one but me will ever notice that (or think that the stitches were on purpose). 

I need to get it out of here before I find something else wrong!  Because really, there is so much right about it.  I can't wait to show it off for real.

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.


  1. gorgeous. Really.
    hairspray takes out ink. Test it somewhere first. Spray on a cloth, then dab. Could smear on your precious work tho... test first.
    I think it's the alcohol that removes the ink but am not sure. OR...

    Leave it as a testament to hand making. As a testament to impermanence.

    1. Test on a separate fabric like yours, not on the quilt, of course. You probably knew what I meant.

  2. Your free motion quilting from the back is lovely. I can't wait to see the front!

  3. Wow! This is gorgeous! The background swirls look like little breezes :)

  4. I can't wait for the front reveal, because judging from that gorgeous back, there has to be "so much right" about the front!


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