
Friday, March 25, 2016

Brownie Batter Cookies

I bookmark a lot of recipes then lose track of them.  Every so often I run through my lists to see what grabs me.  Some recipes I try once and delete the bookmark; they're not bad, but don't come out as terrific looking as the original recipe looked or are more work than the end result is worth.  These guys are a delicious, wonderfully addictive little cookie; it is so hard to eat just one.

I've recently been swapping out regular flour in my recipes for either whole wheat or white whole wheat flour.  I've made the change to quick breads and adapting my pizza dough recipe.  This was the first cookie I tried with a full swap.  I suspect the original recipe may have been a little lighter and softer?  I'm not sure if it would matter.  These have nice texture, are chocolatey and delicious.  Worthy of my good chocolate chips.  I'm sure the extra vanilla and salt ramp up the flavor.  (I ended up cutting some of the salt; I felt it was too strong.)

Try it.  You'll like them.  They went pretty quickly at the Rehoboth dance.

Brownie Batter Cookies
(adapted from The Girl Who Ate Everything)

¾ cup + 2 tsp butter, softened
1¼ cup sugar
¾ cup dark brown sugar
1 oz baking chocolate, melted
3 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups whole-wheat flour
½ cup cocoa powder
1¼ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 Tbls vanilla
1½ cup chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350.  Beat the butter, sugars and melted chocolate until smooth.  Add the eggs and mix until combined.  In a separate bowl, add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and mix together.  Slowly add the flour mixture to the wet mixture and mix until combined.  Add vanilla and fold in the chocolate chips.  The dough will be wet.

Place teaspoonfuls of dough onto baking sheet, about 2 inches apart.  Bake for 9-11 minutes or until cookies are not glossy anymore.  Do not over bake.  Transfer cookies to a cooling rack.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! They look delicious!
    I've not been baking at all lately due to a local egg shortage (very local, here at home), but have just read that applesauce can be substituted for eggs in baking. Have you ever tried that? Really surprising to me, but I'm going to give it a try with something simple.


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