
Monday, March 14, 2016

Hate It/Love It

The Key West quilt continues to evolve.  While it had still been in the planning stages, I shopped for a solid color for sashes or borders.  I looked for something that would help feature the prints.  I didn't want black and thought white or cream would be bland.  I'd been admiring a bunch of lovely quilts with grey in them and really wanted to try that.

I ended up buying some steel grey Kona fabric.  It looked stunning against the yellow, pinks and blues.  When I settled on a pattern, I began to cut the strips and sew it all together.

I hated it.

The steel grey looked terrific with each color, but as the blocks started to take shape, I wondered if I had made a mistake.  Too much grey?  Would it overwhelm the rest of it?  However, I plowed ahead thinking if the grey looked good against each fabric, it had to look good as a whole.  As I sewed my strips of blocks, I wondered how bad it would be to rip the whole thing apart.  What color could I choose that would be better?  What would I do a yard's worth of 1.5" strips?  Then I finished piecing the top.

Love it!

It's a terrible photo, but you get the idea.  The four odd blocks on the edges will be part of the border - which is still in the design and piecing stage.  I'll need more fabric for that; not sure what color it will be, but probably not more grey.

It's still growing on me.  I wouldn't be surprised if I go through another round of hating it, but in the end I think I'll be very happy with the quilt.

Sharing with Scraptastic Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.


  1. I like it very much! And I think it will become a focal point - maybe THE focal point - in any room it occupies.

  2. It works well ! Don't hate it anymore - sometimes we are just too close to a project in the middle of it to see the treasure that is there! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday


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