
Monday, April 25, 2016

Key West Quilting

I've finished the Key West quilt top.  It's basted and ready for quilting.  I can't decide how to quilt it.  I considered a large overall pattern; it didn't feel right.  I keep coming back to quilting each of the colored blocks.  I have some ideas for parts of it, but I'm stumped with a bunch of blocks.

I don't want to start sewing until I have ideas for at least half of the blocks.  I fear I will start quilting, have a radical new idea and need to rip it all out.  So I stare at the quilt on the floor, dream of patterns and doodle.  A lot.  I've covered every bit of white space on all the paper in the recycle bin.  Now I'm doodling on clean white paper in pencil first, then in pen, in palimpsest fashion.  (I hate to waste paper.)  I hope to put down the pen and paper soon, and start applying needle to fabric!

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.


  1. Wow! That is so pretty! I look forward to seeing what you decide :)

  2. It is so beautiful as it is, I can imagine your dilemma. Although quilting each block separately would be a lot of work, I think it would be a pity to quilt over the black sashing. In your shoes I'd go for block by block quilting, inspite of having to bury so many threads! But then, I'm not in your shoes! ☺️

  3. I really like how your top turned out. Good luck with the quilting. I'm sure you'll come up with just the right designs when needle hits fabric.


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