
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Few Days Away

Haven't been writing much because I was busy on vacation.  What fun!  First was a few days on the Cape for a family reunion.  Caught up on all the latest news with aunts and cousins.  The weather behaved and we had a dry, comfortable, bug-free cookout on the beach. 

I returned home to pack for a few days away with Rob.  I lined up a local guinea pig sitter so we didn't have to ship them off, too.  Joy!  That made things so much easier.  You can see how upset Boadicea was as we were leaving.  Bye, Mama, have fun.

Our destination was Northampton; we really like the area.  We met up for dinner with my sister and  brother-in-law.  That was a treat.

There was no real agenda - just kicking around the area, enjoying the beautiful vistas and terrific weather.  Do you love that oversized Adirondack chair?  I had to jump up to get into it.  I do not have a smart phone; I can't remember the last time I attempted a selfie with my camera.  So this one looks about as ridiculous as we felt doing it.  But hey, we're both smiling!

We stayed at an old inn that had wide pine floors, although they creaked terribly.  No sneaking around the rooms!  As we sat down for breakfast, I discovered some of the outdoor shrubbery poked it's way through the window sash.  If you look carefully, you can see some of those leaves are inside, not outside.

We drove around Vermont, had lunch in Brattleboro, then came down through New Hampshire back into Massachusetts.   Rob had pointed out Mt Sugarloaf the prior day and I really wanted to climb up it.  In sandals.  What was I thinking?  (I ended up hiking most of it barefoot, it was more comfortable.)  The view was terrific.  My calves complained about the hike back down for two days afterwards.  

Boadicea and Wedgwood barely acknowledged us when we returned home. So obviously nothing thrilling happened when we were gone and they were well fed.  Come on, guys, how about a little enthusiasm?

So now, back to the grind.  It was nice while it lasted.


  1. oh sure they're playing it cool now. They called me while you were gone, saying how much they missed you. Those Pigs!

  2. They are planning their tell-all book. Hide the pens!

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely time away. I think I need that chair for my backyard :) Who needs a smart phone for a selfie? I have one from our honeymoon 22 years ago - taken with a film camera. We had to wait a month till we finished the roll of film and had it developed to find out if we had cropped our heads out of the picture. Surprisingly, we hadn't!


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