
Thursday, November 29, 2018

I Like Thursday: Holiday Prep and Sewing

I love, love, love the photos of last week's session with Joey from Salem Pet Photo.  So much cuteness!  I'll be sharing more of them soon.  I got the photos in time to order Christmas cards with some of the prints.  Perfect!

Doesn't it look like Mabel is ready to catch snowflakes on her tongue? 

I liked having a week off.  Got lots done.  Still have too much to do!  Damn - can I retire yet?

I like that my annual cookie baking is done.  (Well, round one - still have to bake for the Cookie Party.)  Whew, it's quite a stack!  Buttercrunch (no almonds this year because I forgot), buckeye cookies, white chocolate molasses cookies.  Then I tried a triple ginger cookie recipe.  I should have chilled the dough.  They came out super thin.  I'm not thrilled.  But I drizzled chocolate over them to jazz them up a bit and they'll be fine.  (But I think I may go back to Chai Cookies next year.)

I will like when I have them packed up and sent off. 

I like the progress on the strip twist quilt.  Black and white photos help so much with scrappy quilts to help distribute the color.  This came in handy when putting the strips together, light against dark.  With all the different colors, it was hard to tell if some of the greens were really darker than some of the oranges and yellows.  But black and white eliminates that problem.

I put up the candles in the windows over the weekend.  The warm glow makes me happy - it's nice to come home to.  Keeps the darkness at bay a little bit. 

For having a long weekend, I thought there'd be more to share, but I guess this is short and sweet.  You can get the rest of your fix over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  There's always good stuff there.


  1. Hi Sally! Aww, little Mabel does look like she's trying to catch a snowflake. How did they like their photo session? Little stars, aren't they?!! Oh your strip twist quilt is turning out so nicely. I love the b/w photo trick too - it is sometimes surprising how dark a 'medium' fabric appears or conversely how light. Happy Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Such a cute photo! What's this about a cookie party? All those cookies sound delicious! Candles in the windows are such a warm, welcoming touch. Hope you are having a wonderful day so far.

  3. Mabel is singing, "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" or asking for some eggnog. Wedgie says, sing it sister!
    Now I'm drooling for cookies. Chai sounds great and what's this buttercrunch? sounds awesome, great job on the quilt, it's astounding!

  4. What fun to have Christmas photos of your pigs! I love that! Your cookies all sound yummy - those lucky recipients! I like the black and white photo of the strip twist quilt - a great idea that I'll have to remember.

  5. That black and white photo is a good idea for designing. Thanks!

  6. I love that photo...of course, you knew I would. Little scamps.
    I keep forgetting to do that black and white thing with a is useful isn't it for balancing all the lights, mediums and darks.
    Kudos to you for the cookie baking. House smells wonderful I bet, and candles in the windows are so pretty.

  7. Your darlings are sure cute. Such pink noses they have. That's a great tip of looking at B&W photos to figure color placement. I've gone 3 days thinking about baking cookies. Reading about yours has me considering it this afternoon.

  8. OMG!! The Christmas picture of the Guinea Pigs is the CUTEST THING I have seen all week. And that's in a week that's been filled with cute animals. So glad they're going on your card (I put the dogs on mine) and I hope you will share more of the ones from the photoshoot. You're way ahead of me on the cookies- I have the list of who I need to give cookie plates to but alas no cookies baked yet. Soon I hope!

  9. Cute picture of the GPs. Oh cookie baking, I think about it and then say no. Did you check out the virtual cookie exchange this past week. There were some awesome recipes, some even gluten free! Thanks for the idea about the black and white photos.


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