
Thursday, November 1, 2018

I Like Thursday: Lots of Gold

I like the loot I got from the quilt show I went to last weekend.  I enjoyed the quilts and brought home nearly nine yards of fabric for forty bucks.  Some is earmarked for my latest quilt, some is just for stash.  It was an afternoon well spent!

I like that I got my voting out of the way on Saturday.  Huzzah for early voting!

I picked up this conjoined pawpaw fruit at the Fall Ball.  A fellow dancer had brought a box of them to give away.  It was a mess to eat, albeit a tasty mess.  I liked the shiny black seeds.

I like the pretty golds of the trees.  It's now November and most of the color outside my window only started to change in the last week or so.  Seems really late and I've read that the wet, warm late summer has given us a dull leaf season.  But I'm happy with my golds!

I like that my mornings are bathed in orange and yellow as I watch the birds at the feeders.  I know this won't last long, so enjoy it while it's here!

I like the random mix of leaves and pine needles on the driveway.  It was evenly spread out of a good chunk of the pavement.  Makes me want to quilt that somehow, but I'd have a hard time matching that density.

I liked this passage of a long Rumi :

                     A pen went scribbling along.
     When it tried to write love, it broke.
                                                       If you want to
     expound on love, take your intellect out and let it
     lie down in the mud.  It's no help.

Excellent.  Not only should your intellect give up, it should go lie in the mud.  What a great image.

So leave your intellect or take it with you, but go over to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday for some more things to love.  Or just like.  The choice is yours.


  1. Hi Sally! Oh, that last photo of the pine needles and leaves!! That would be a gorgeous fabric print or quilt or something. You just can't top Mother Nature. We are on a similar wave length - the trees are just so incredibly gorgeous right now. It just takes my breath away. And, I have NO idea what a pawpaw is. Never heard of it. When I looked at the link, I can see it just didn't quite make it around the bottom of Lake Michigan. You'd think I would have had some as I have family in southern Indiana and Illinois. I'll take your word for it being delicious. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I like that print in the top left of your loot with all the sun faces! That's a neat one! The trees are gorgeous - our color is pretty much finished already, so I'm enjoying the photos this week. And definitely YES on the early voting! We've done that here, too.

  3. all the gold and orange is uplifting now

  4. That was quite a deal on your fabric purchases. I'm not sure what a pawpaw is, but I know the word from that nursery rhyme/song. I like your gold, too.

  5. Your fabric purchases are very nice. I have heard of, but never tasted, Pawpaw fruit.

  6. Yep we are pretty muted too. Love the pine needles and leaves. Oh love your acquisitions can't wait to see what you make.

  7. Wow, that glowing white bark against the fall foliage almost looks appliqued - at first glance, it looked like quilted art! The leaves and needles on the ground almost looked like printed fabric. Wow, I think we both experience "quilt vision", Sally!

  8. I've considered early voting this year, but I've always really enjoyed going into town on election day, and using one of the stubby pencils in the voting booth, and hearing the bell ring when the crank is turned and my ballot disappears into The Ballot Box.
    Although this time I may have a flashback to 2016 and burst into sobs...we'll see!


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