
Monday, December 3, 2018

A Fun Photo Shoot

We had a long-awaited photo shoot two weeks ago with Salem Pet Photo.  Working with Joey is always a blast.  I had been worried if Wedgwood would be up for it, but she was perky and happy on that Monday (and she's still doing well!).

Are we wrapping or unwrapping?

Joey's scenery is so much fun.  We raided my fabric stash and my kitchen for various props.  Joey set up four different backgrounds:  winter scene (complete with snowman and mini snowshoes!), wrapping under the Christmas tree, baking in the kitchen and then thoughts of spring with a flowery backdrop.  I tried to time-lapse film the whole session, but my camera choked (such sadness!).  I will have to try again another time.  I enjoyed watching her work.

Could there be snowflakes?

My camera may have acted up but as you can see, her photos came out terrific.  I'm long overdue to update my blog banner with both pigs.  I certainly have some wonderful stuff to pick from.

<gasp> I'm making cookies!!!!

Fezzes are cool.

We were sure Wedgwood would a good pig.  Turned out that Mabel was equally accommodating.  Mabel was best while sitting with Wedg.  When she was by herself she tended to wander off or turn around.  Both pigs were easy to pose with the promise of chopped carrot, pepper and lettuce.

Before we knew it, Joey whooshed out the door, all her props and equipment packed in a few boxes in the back of her car.  We waited patiently (well, maybe...) for the photos.  We weren't disappointed when they appeared the following week.  Oh! it was difficult to pick which ones to show first.  There's so many adorable ones to pick from.


  1. These are great! I can imagine how much fun it was :)

  2. Wonderful photos, bet you all had fun. I really like the first photo best. Perfect Christmas spirit.

  3. The looks on their faces are priceless! That does look like it was a lot of fun!

  4. these are so cute. I'd defy anyone to get Milo to stand still when there were edibles around. And all the world is edible to him.
    I love the first one so much!

  5. Omg the girls are so cuuuuuuuuuuuutr!!! xoxo


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