
Thursday, December 27, 2018

I Like Thursday: Blogiversary #8

Look at that... I Like Thursday and a blogiversary on the same day.

Another year.  Where did it go?  Gained a pig.  Lost a car (and, omg, as of yesterday afternoon, have a replacement).  Did lots of sewing and reading.  Had fun with my new years resolution of trying out new recipes on the Game Day group.  Danced my tootsies off.  Kayaked with my sister.  Herded guinea pigs and clipped lots of piggy nails.  Enjoyed time with my friends.

Lots to like.

Then I blog about it.

Eight years - the heck with where my year went - how has it been eight years?!?  It's been fun to write and photograph and share.  Thank you for reading and for all the comments you've left.  I hope I have been entertaining or at least informative.  I learn so much from the blogs I follow and enjoy interacting with other bloggers.  I've found a nice community.

In the last few years I've held a small giveaway for my blogiversary: something crafty, with guinea pigs and sweets.  This year I have cards.  First is one of those awesome quilted cards I picked up in Melrose.  Then one with guinea pigs from Salem Pet Photo.  And one for cooking?  Well, I didn't find a card for that, so I'm giving away a choice of something that should ship well: a small bag of  ginger nut clusters or buttercrunch (with chocolate and pecans) or maybe some Berger Cookie knockoffs.

To enter the giveaway: leave a comment telling me which cookie/candy you'd like to complete the loot (or if you'd just like the cards).  If you're a no-reply blogger, please include your email address in the comment.  If you can't comment (I am told occasionally that the comments don't work), email me (address is on my About Me tab).  I will pick a winner at random from the comments/emails.

The drawing closes on Wednesday, January 2nd at 12pm EST.  Congrats Diann!

Not my usual I Like post - next week I'll be back to our regularly scheduled program (I have some fun likes to share!).  There's more to choose from.  Check out Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday and enjoy what good things are going on in peoples' lives.


  1. I recently realized I started blogging in January 2013, so I really get that "where did all that time go?" feeling! Thank you for your blog - it is one of my handful of favorites, and not only is it fun and entertaining, but I learn about such varied things...folding kayaks! cavy/goat similarities! fabrics! yummy foods! And speaking of that last one, ever since you mentioned making buttercrunch dipped in MILK chocolate for Rob, I've been thinking I'd love to try some. My fingers will be crossed ;)

  2. Congrats on your blogaversary! Such good memories! Don't need the giveaway just waving hi and Happy New Year! Cheers!

  3. Oh my word. Blogging has brought me so many great connections and moments. I didn't realize I've been doing it for so long too! Thanks for the reminder. I love seeing the pic of you dancing... I remember finding your blog, and thinking what? she likes dance, quilts, baking, and pigs? Awesome! LeeAnna

  4. Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy reading your blog. Hope you have a wonderful weekend & Happy New Year!

  5. I just found your blog this year. Who Wouldn't love a blog about quilting and guinea pigs?! I check it every day and hope I catch a glimpse of a guinea pig snout sniffing high up in the air or a clawed foot draped lazily outside a cozy. Too fun! Of course, if I win, I'd love a guinea pig card. Thanks for the bloggy happiness!

  6. You have a lovely blog...I love our I Like community too.

  7. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Sally! I'm glad to have found your blog through our I Like Thursday posts. That is probably my favorite thing about blogging, too - interacting with other bloggers. Yours is unique for me because of your guinea pig posts, and they are so fun to read about! You're so "sweet" to have the giveaway! :) I would happily taste any of your treats!

  8. Happy Blogiversary! What an awesome year you've had. More power to ya. :-)

  9. Congrats on your anniversary. Your blog is fun and informative! Enjoy and Happy new Year


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).